Student Catalog
The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine
25901 Emery Road Suite 103
Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128
Registration #: 12-05-1991T
Spring Catalog 2025
Date of Publication: December 14, 2024
Mission Statement
The mission of The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine is to educate each student with the practical knowledge of attaining postural balance, developing core strength and preserving efficient functional movement for themselves and
for their clients.
After the successful completion of 625 hours of coursework in Massage Therapy the student is granted a diploma in the field of Massage Therapy from The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine. This diploma qualifies the student to sit for the Ohio Medical Board licensing examination in the limited medical branch of Massage. Once licensed by the Medical Board, the graduate may pursue a career in the field of Massage Therapy. This too will allow students to pursue continuing education in Muscle Release Therapy ~MRTh® from The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine.
Program Description
The Diploma of Massage Therapy program at The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy and Integrated Medicine provides students with instruction in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, pathology, ethics, and business principles. Students will also learn the principles and applications of therapeutic massage including soft tissue manipulation, client assessment, treatment planning, hydrotherapy, massage history, the physiological effects of massage and massage contraindications. Instruction concerning professional and legal issues that pertain to massage therapists will also be given. The curriculum is designed to include a lecture and lab component. Students that have met all the requirements of the program will be prepared to sit for the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards Exam (MBLEx), which is a necessary step to obtaining a license to practice therapeutic massage in the State of Ohio.
This program is a part time based program. The Gibbons School of Massage schedules classes on evenings and weekends.
Course Descriptions
AP101 – Anatomy and Physiology I**
83 hours
Prerequisite: None
Anatomy and Physiology I is an introduction to the human body’s structure and the function of its systems. Students will learn the fundamentals of medical terminology, the organization of the human body and the basic processes of life. Cells and tissues, body orientation, the integumentary system, bone tissue, bones of the skeleton and joints will be the focus of this course.
AP201 – Anatomy and Physiology II**
83.5 hours
Prerequisite: AP101
Anatomy and Physiology II will examine the structure and function of the human body as it relates to movement. Emphasis will be placed on the joints, the muscular system and the nervous system. Work and exams in ABMP
AP301 – Anatomy and Physiology III**
83.5 hours
Prerequisite: AP201
Anatomy and Physiology III is the study of how the body maintains itself and how life is supported. Emphasis will be placed on the endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Work and exams in ABMP.
AP401 – Anatomy and Physiology Review**
25 hours
Prerequisite: AP201 & AP301
Anatomy and Physiology Review will be done in ABMP - Exam Coach. The students will review and test on all facets of Anatomy and Physiology.
MT101 – Massage Theory and Practical Application**
83 hours
Prerequisite: None
Massage Theory and Practical Applications will introduce the student to basic massage practice and its history. Students will learn how to apply a variety of Swedish massage techniques including stroking, kneading, friction, joint mobilization, percussion, vibration, compression, jostling, shaking, and rocking while maintaining a safe and sanitary work environment as defined by the Center for Disease Control. Personal hygiene, proper body mechanics, client positioning and draping procedures will also be addressed.
MT201 – Clinical Massage Application**
83.50 hours
Prerequisite: MT101
Clinical Massage Application will help students to hone their Swedish massage techniques while teaching them the physiological effects these techniques have on the body. Furthermore, it will prepare the student to then apply these skills in a clinical setting. Students will learn how to interview clients, determine if the application of massage is advisable, and how to properly document massage applications. Hydrotherapy modalities will be introduced and students will learn how to properly incorporate them into a massage session. Students will also learn how common drugs are classified, the systematic and local effects of such drugs and how taking such drugs affect their procedural protocol.
MT301 – Advanced Clinical Massage Application and Allied Modalities**
83.50 hours
Prerequisite: MT201
Advanced Clinical Massage Application will provide the student with the skills needed to evaluate and treat a variety of musculoskeletal conditions and special populations. Students will learn how to visually evaluate a client using postural analysis and gait assessment and how to develop a treatment plan to address a subject’s specific concerns. The course will also introduce the student to a variety of massage modalities including Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® and Fundamental Movement Therapy and instruct the student how to integrate these modalities with Swedish massage techniques. Students will continue to practice universal precautions and Swedish massage application, recognizing when massage is indicated and when it is contraindicated.
MT401 – Massage Therapy Clinical Practice
25 hours
Massage Therapy Clinical Practice will give students an opportunity to use the skills they have acquired to provide one-hour massage sessions in a clinical setting under the supervision of a licensed massage therapist. In accordance with Ohio State Medical Board requirements, students will be required to perform a complete massage on a licensed massage therapist with minimally acceptable competency.
BUS101 – Law and Business Principles for Allied Healthcare Professionals
25 hours
Prerequisite: None
Law and Business Principles for Allied Healthcare Professionals will prepare the student to be effective in the allied healthcare field as an employee or a business owner. Information on a variety of topics will be explored including: Scope of practice, ethical practice, insurance, bookkeeping, taxes, resume writing, interview skills, marketing, legal issues and other essentials for a successful practice.
ETH101 – Ethics
25 hours
Prerequisite: None
Ethics of Massage Therapists. Including sexual boundary, impairment, and chemical dependency issues. How to protect yourself and your business.
MT501 – Comprehensive Massage Review
25 hours
Prerequisite: AP301, MT301
Massage Therapy Review will be done in ABMP - Exam Coach. The students will review and test on all facets of Massage Therapy.
Fees and Tuitions
Registration fee…….$100.00
Book fee………$284.00
Review Course fee…………$120.00 (ABMP MBLEx) (includes student insurance)
Tuition….$11,069.30 ($17.35 per clock hour)
Total Cost………$11,573.30
Term Breakdown:
Total contact hours and tuition breakdown:
6.5 hrs. a week x 16 weeks= 104 contact hours, total cost for term: $1,804.40
Term Calendar
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4
AP101 AP201 AP301 BUS101
MT101 MT201 MT301 MT501
ETH101 MT401 MT401
*Each term is 32 weeks long, broken into (2) 16 week segments.
Example of Schedule:
Class (IP or RM)
Key: IP: In Person
RM: Remote
Grading System
A: 100% - 90%
B: 90% - 80%
C: 80% - 70% > Passing for graduation is 75% Avg
D: 70% - 60%
F: 60% or lower
Required Books
Required Textbooks for The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy:
Theory Practice of Therapeutic Massage (E-Book)
Sixth Edition
By Mark F. Beck
Nina McIntosh’s The Educated Heart
Fourth Edition
Laura Allen
A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Pathology: Critical Thinking and Practical Application
7th Edition
By Ruth Warner
Business Mastery
Fifth Edition
Cherie M. Sohnen-Moe
**Students textbooks will be available to purchase from the school bookstore.
Attendance Policy
Class attendance is required by the State of Ohio Medical Board, and students sign in and out on the daily attendance sheets. No missed hours may be excused. If legitimate extenuating circumstances prevent a student from attending during regular class time, any material and hours that are missed must still be made up before graduation. If legitimate extenuating circumstances are expected to persist, a student may also request a leave of absence, which, if granted, allows that student to restart the term at the start of the immediately following semester, without the necessity of re-submitting an application. {Please note in person time will be offered by the school when they can offer make-up time. Material missed and made up by student(s), student(s) will need to meet with the Head of Department(s)}.
Evaluation and Exams
Evaluation of student progress is made by multiple choice and fill-in examinations, including quizzes, midterms and finals, by performance on practical examinations of massage techniques, including an evaluation by a licensed massage therapist, and by written projects. No extra credit assignments are given. Most graded assignments are returned to the student the following week.
Standards, Unsatisfactory Progress and Probation
To successfully complete a term of work, a student must achieve a 75% average in basic sciences and a 75% average in massage (massage theory and massage practical) during that term. If the student fails to achieve a 75% average in either, that student must retake ALL material for that particular term that is—that is, he or she must retake all classes for that term.
If a student is having academic or other challenges, he/she is encouraged to make an appointment with the instructor or administrative rep to discuss. Students who do not achieve a passing average during a term are placed on academic probation and have a repeat that term until they do, whereupon the probation is lifted. After several terms on probation, if a student is still unable to perform academically, he/she may be counseled about the advisability of leaving the program.
Graduation Requirements
The student must have passing grades and credit in all course work in this field. A minimum of 75% grade and attendance in Massage Theory and Clinical Practice, an overall GPA of 2.10 or higher, overall attendance of 85%, all make-up work and CPR certificate on file, all clinic requirements completed by the end of the last term and all payments made to the college.
Student Conduct and Conditions for Dismissal
Students may be dismissed from the school for the following reasons:
1. Not adhering to the school’s rules, regulations, policies and code of conduct.
2. Missing more than 20 percent of instructional time that is recorded as unexcused absences.
3. Not maintaining the minimum grade point average
4. Not meeting financial responsibilities to the school
Student Grievance Procedure
(State Rules 3332-1-18) Any student who has a grievance with the school or an
Instructor should first discuss the problem with the instructor or school director. If a Resolution is not reached the student should make a written complaint and submit it to the school director asking for a written response. When a satisfactory Resolution of the problem is not obtained the student may contact the Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools, 30 East Broad Street, Suite 2481, Columbus, Ohio, 43215, (614) 466-2752, toll free 877-275-4219.
Refund Policy
When a student is accepted into our program, we expect that student to have the commitment to follow the training to completion. The student’s financial obligation is by term. An enrollment agreement or application may be canceled within five calendar days after the date of signing provided the school is notified of the cancellation in writing. The school will promptly refund in full all tuition and fees paid pursuant to the enrollment agreement. Such refund shall be made no later than thirty days after cancellation.
State Tuition Refund Policy for courses on a contact hour basis;
- A student who starts class and withdraws before the academic term is fifteen percent completed will be obligated for twenty-five percent of the tuition and refundable fees plus the registration fee.
- A student who starts class and withdraws after the academic term is fifteen percent complete but before the academic term is forty percent completed will be obligated for fifty per cent of the tuition and refundable fees plus the registration fee.
- A student who starts class and officially withdraws after the academic term is twenty-five per cent complete but before the academic term is forty percent completed will be obligated for seventy-five percent of the tuition and refundable fees plus the registration fee
- A student who starts class and withdraws after the academic term is forty percent completed will not be entitled to a refund of the tuition and fees.
- Students receiving VA Educational Benefit will receive the prorate refund required by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
- In the case of documented student illness or accident, death in the family, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student, the student shall be entitled to special consideration and the school may settle the account for an amount which is less than that called by the school’s established policy.
For cancellation and refund policy of The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine, you may request a copy from the office.
Requirements for Entrance into the School
Applicants for the courses in massage therapy must possess a minimum of a high school diploma/ GED or its equivalent. Massage Therapy schools in Ohio are regulated by the State of Ohio Medical Board. As an applicant you must also complete the application form to The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine filing in all the information. Have your high school transcript or GED Certificate, also to submit to the school. Call the school when you have all of this completed and make an appointment for an entrance interview.
According to 4731-1-15 of the Ohio Revised Code, The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy must notify its prospective students, in writing, of the following:
Arrests, charges, or convictions of criminal offenses may be cause to deny or limit licensure or employment opportunities in specific careers and occupations and may limit the student’s ability to obtain federal, state, or other financial aid.
Prospective students are directed to refer to Rule 4731-4-02 (D) of the Administrative Code for factors the Board may consider when reviewing the results of a Criminal Background Check. For further information, and the disqualifying offense list, please visit the boards website at:
Re-Entrance Policy
If for any reason a student wishes to be readmitted to The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine, she or he must reapply. This involves completion of another
Application form and submitting it with the non-refundable application fee. The student
must make an appointment for an entrance interview. If the student’s high school
transcripts have already been sent to The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine, these parts of the application process need not be repeated.
Credit for Previous Education or Training
A student that has successfully completed portions of a massage therapy program
at another institution may be able to transfer some or all of those hours, dependent
upon the content and the student’s performance on a placement examination, at
the discretion of the school’s director.
The school facility, located at 25901 Emery Rd, Ste 103, Warrensville Hts., Ohio 44128 and has a
lecture room, massage room classroom, office, book store, and student break room. Equipment for the school includes traditional classroom furniture, audio/visual equipment, 6 massage tables, therapy rooms, charts and various other teaching materials.
Students can request in writing that their official transcript be sent to employers and educational institutions. The cost of each such transcript is $5.
Placement Assistance
The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine offers no guarantees of job placement after graduation. Any job offers or business opportunities for graduates that are brought to the attention of the School will be posted to permit their pursuit by interested individuals.
Student Appearance
Students must dress in a professional manner, and express professionalism in their appearance and grooming, including hair and nails. Students must maintain personal body hygiene and cleanliness at all times. During clinical work on members of the public, proper professional clothing must be worn.
Classroom Policies
Eating is confined to the kitchen area only; there is to be no eating on lab massage tables. Cellular phones and tablets are not allowed to disrupt classes. There is to be no use of any App during our online lectures or in person labs. Smoking {of any kind} by our students is not permitted within the building at any time. Quizzes and examinations are to be taken according to the schedule in the syllabus; make-up tests are not automatically granted, and, if granted, may be expected to be more rigorous than the original tests.
Policy against Discrimination
The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine is committed to providing equal educational opportunity to every student. It is our policy to treat all applicants fairly and in accordance with their individual qualifications, ability, experience and other criteria in compliance with all laws. Our school does not discriminate in admissions, training, discipline, dismissal or other academic related decisions based on a person's race, nationality, origin, color, sex, religion, disability, age or other classifications as defined by law.
Students who make such complaints or reports of discrimination will not be subject to any retaliatory action by The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine.
Policy against Harassment
The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine is committed to maintaining a friendly school environment, free of all kinds of discrimination or harassment. Discrimination, harassment or offensive behavior of any kind is prohibited. We do not tolerate harassment of any of our employees or clients, vendors or suppliers. Any form of harassment which violates federal, state or local law, including, but not limited to harassment related to an individual's race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, uniformed service member status, marital status, pregnancy, age, medical condition (cancer related or HIV/AIDS related), handicap or disability is a violation of this policy and will be treated as a disciplinary matter. For these purposes the term "harassment," includes slurs and any other offensive remarks, jokes, other verbal, graphic or physical conduct.
Sexual Harassment
Not all sexual harassment is done by males. Sexual harassment often involves co-workers, other employees, or other persons doing business with or for a company. It is against the law for females to sexually harass males or other females, and for males to harass other males or females. Sexual harassment also includes the following examples of unacceptable behavior:
Sexual Favors
Unwanted sexual advances which condition an employment benefit upon an exchange of sexual favors:
Examples: continued requests for dates, any threat of demotion, termination, etc. if requested sexual favors are not given, making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances, propositioning an individual.
Verbal Harassment
Examples: name calling, belittling, sexually explicit or degrading words to describe an individual, a race, religion or sexual orientation, sexually explicit jokes, comments about an employee’s anatomy and/or dress, sexually oriented noises or remarks, questions about a person’s sexual practices, uses of patronizing terms or remarks, verbal abuse.
Visual Harassment
Examples: displaying sexual pictures, writings or objects, obscene letters or invitations, staring at an employee’s anatomy, leering, sexually oriented gestures, unwanted love letters or notes.
Physical Harassment
Examples: touching, pinching, patting, grabbing, brushing against or poking another employee’s body, impeding or blocking movements or any physical interference with normal work or movement when directed at an individual.
If you have questions about what constitutes harassing behavior, ask any staff personnel and they will be willing to sit with you and talk to you about it.
Harassment by non-employees
Harassment of employees in connection with their work by non-employees may also be a violation of this policy. Any employee who experiences harassment by a non-employee, or who observes harassment of an employee by a non-employee should report such harassment to our office. Appropriate action will be taken against any non-employee who violates this policy.
Harassment of our clients or their employees
Harassment of our clients or their employees, vendors or suppliers by our employees is also strictly prohibited. Any such harassment will subject an employee to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate discharge.
Violation of This Policy Against Harassment
Violation of this policy will subject an employee to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate discharge.
If Harassment Occurs:
If you are subject to advances or behaviors that are offensive, tell the person the behaviors or advances are unwelcome and must stop. Sometimes a simple confrontation will end the situation.
If you feel that you are being harassed or you observe someone being harassed, immediately notify one of our recruiters. If you do not feel comfortable discussing the matter with an employee, ask to speak to Dennis J Gibbons LMT. You may be assured that you will not be penalized in any way for reporting a harassment problem.
Notification of a harassment problem is essential to us. We cannot resolve a harassment issue unless we are aware of the problem. Therefore, it is your responsibility to bring the problem to our attention so that we can take whatever steps are necessary to correct the situation.
Complaints of harassment are investigated promptly and corrective action is taken where warranted. Employees and clients are prohibited from hindering our own investigation and our internal complaint procedure. Complaints of harassment are treated with confidentiality, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.
Retaliation Is Forbidden:
The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine’s policy forbids retaliation against any employee who opposes sexual harassment, files a complaint, or otherwise participates in an investigation, proceeding or hearing.
If The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine finds that an employee has violated our company policy, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination.
Harassment or retaliation can be reported verbally or in writing to The Gibbons School of Massage Therapy & Integrated Medicine. Report such activities even if you were not the target of the harassment.
COVID 19 Policies:
The Gibbons School of Massage has made an addendum to our catalog to reflect changes made to keep our students and staff safe from COVID19.
A&P Lecture Courses are all done online using Google Classroom. We utilize the Google “Meet” App. This is now to replace the student and instructor meeting at the school (face to face) to go over material that was missed. Attendance is collected and turned into the school administrator after lecture is over. Any time missed by the student, he/she is responsible for contacting their instructor(s) to make up for the work and contact hours.
During our in person Massage Therapy Lecture & Lab classes here is what is asked of the student(s) and instructor(s), to make it a safe, healthy environment.
*Masks are available at the school and worn at the students’ discretion.
*Please use the sanitizer supplied by the school or wash your hands before and after techniques are practiced or demonstrated.
*Please bring your own bottle for water..
*While watching a technique or demonstration, please practice social distancing.
*For the safety of our students we will ask that you cover the massage tables using a new sheet after every use.
*If a student uses the restroom he/she will have to apply sanitizer when back in the school.
*Lotion will be supplied by the school, please do not share the lotion with other classmates, once you are done please discard the lotion container in the garbage.
*Upon exiting from the school please use sanitizer and/or wash your hands in the school sink before touching the door knobs.
*If you are not feeling well and unsure what to do please, please, please stay home!
Staff & Instructors:
Dennis J Gibbons, LMT - Director
1986- Ohio College of Massotherapy
1986- Licensed by State of Ohio Medical Board
Krista Fleming, LMT
2006- Cuyahoga Community College AAS
2006- Licensed by State of Ohio Medical Board
Charles Jeffery Parker, EdD, LMT
2007- Associate of Applied Science in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork from the Center for Vital Living School of Massage Therapy located in Fort Wayne, Indiana
2009- Bachelor of Applied Management, Magna Cum Laude, from Trine University
Ruth Wagner, M.Ed., L.M.T.,C.D.M.S.
1983 - Bachelor of Arts: Counseling Psychology
1992 - Master of Arts: Community Agency Counseling
2005 - Associate of Science: Massage Therapy
Kathleen Gibbons - Admissions
School Renewal Approved by the State of Ohio Medical Board: June 1, 2023.
School Registration # 1991