Molly Enders MS, LAc
Molly Enders has a Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago. She is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine to practice both acupuncture and Chinese herbs, and a licensed acupuncturist by the State Medical Board of Ohio. Molly first became interested in Chinese medicine through her training in tai chi. However, it was during her own pregnancy that she was able to experience the benefits of acupuncture first-hand
in the treatment of her first-trimester migraines. Since that time it has been her goal to pass the gift acupuncture provided her along to others. She is a native of Ohio, and has been practicing acupuncture for 6 years.
Acupuncture is a complete and holistic medical system in which sterile, hair thin needles are placed at specific
acu-points on the body. This activates your body’s energy to support its natural self-healing power and correct the energetic imbalances which have led to the symptoms you are experiencing. Practitioners of acupuncture and
Chinese medicine have used this safe and painless treatment method to help countless people become well and stay well.
Molly has experience treating a variety of disorders, specializing in the treatment of pain, anxiety/depression, and women’s health; including the treatment of infertility and disorders arising during pregnancy. She is also certified in
acupuncture facial rejuvenation.
In addition, she has trained in Chen style Tai Chi for 10 years and has experience teaching the movement principles and forms of this style.
in the treatment of her first-trimester migraines. Since that time it has been her goal to pass the gift acupuncture provided her along to others. She is a native of Ohio, and has been practicing acupuncture for 6 years.
Acupuncture is a complete and holistic medical system in which sterile, hair thin needles are placed at specific
acu-points on the body. This activates your body’s energy to support its natural self-healing power and correct the energetic imbalances which have led to the symptoms you are experiencing. Practitioners of acupuncture and
Chinese medicine have used this safe and painless treatment method to help countless people become well and stay well.
Molly has experience treating a variety of disorders, specializing in the treatment of pain, anxiety/depression, and women’s health; including the treatment of infertility and disorders arising during pregnancy. She is also certified in
acupuncture facial rejuvenation.
In addition, she has trained in Chen style Tai Chi for 10 years and has experience teaching the movement principles and forms of this style.