Chagrin Valley Wellness Institute
Muscle Release Therapy - MRTh Class, Master Series
Chagrin Valley Wellness Institute now has a Muscle Release Therapy® Master Course taught by
Dennis Gibbons, LMT
You do not have to be certified in MRTh® to take this course, all are welcome!
Class will be conducted online through our Adobe Connect program and held on the last Tuesday of each month starting on June 30th through November 24th,
(No class in & July)
From 6:30-8:00pm.
LMT's will receive 1.5 credit hour per class
The cost for the class is $49.50 plus a $10.00 registration fee per individual class.
We are also offering a (5) pack of classes for $235.12 with a one time registration fee.
*************Dropout date is before August 27th for full refund****************
For more information or to register for the class please contact our office at 216-364-0152 or email
[email protected]
The following Continuing Education courses will be offered in a five part series starting June 30, 2015 by Chagrin Valley Wellness Institute (NCBTMB 451340-10). Classes will be from 6:30 – 8:00 PM EST and will be worth 1.5 Continuing Education credits. All classes will be web based and recorded, so if you have trouble joining us live you can watch the recording. We also have a Facebook page where information will be passed on to those registered and questions may be asked after the class. This Forum is open to only those registered for the class.
In 1979 I was introduced to Applied Kinesiology by my mentor Dr. Tom Maday, D.C. and Touch for Health by John Thie, D.C. This became the foundation for what is now known as Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh®, a treatment protocol that includes both Bodywork and Movement. What is the importance of the theory of combining Meridians, Muscles, Reflex Points, and understanding the true connection of all the systems of the human body to understanding the development of a new theory and combining it with touch? The Meridian system, all 14 of them, courses its way through the body and effects our main energy or charka systems. They also interact with the major organs of the body and research has shown an interconnection of specific muscles and meridian lines to help in nurturing good health. As Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® has developed over the past 28 years I, sometimes without realizing, have pulled the knowledge gained from those early years. These next two sets of Master Class will combine the early knowledge with the latest philosophy to aid the Bodyworker and Movement therapist in their ability to help others.
Master Series 2
June 30, 2015 Transference
· This class will address that dreaded transference of energy between client and therapist. What is this energy? Why when I work with certain individuals do I feel drained? Why do I pick up the symptomatic discomfort that they were experiencing? These questions will be addressed and how we as both Bodywork and Movement Therapists, can avoid this transferring of energy. This energy is developed during the actual Trauma stage of injury and is passed on by the brain to create a compensation pattern for the protection of the whole. During the trauma cycle the brain will want to immediately fight to shed off the incident, but realizing that it is unable to switch to its flight mode which is the immediate compensation. How many of us performed therapy to an individual that suffered trauma during an automobile incident? The body’s proprioception mechanism sensed a change in our surrounding energy field prior to our conscious awareness and started making plans for us. That is often why immediately after an incident people will feel “okay” and this is often referred to as the shock of the incident. After a few days they start to experience soreness, stiffness and discomfort. This is the compensation being adapted to and accommodated for. Most therapies address the symptoms and stop start of that brief moment in time that is truly frozen in the body. Join us as we discuss this moment, how we can avoid drawing into our entity and take the person through it. This is not a Psychology class but a true hands on experience where you will learn to be the coach on the sidelines and not put yourself into the game.
August 25, 2015 Balancing the Central and Governing Vessels or Meridians of the Body
· In Chinese Medicine we deal with the Meridian system of the body, or the body’s energy lines. In both Bodywork and Movement therapy we also access these important lines. In this first class on incorporating this work we will discuss and demonstrate how balancing these Meridians along with tension on the skeleton will bring a true healing affect to the individual. The Central Meridian moves superior from the pubic symphysis up the center of the body under the chin to just below the lower lip. It is associated with the Supraspinatus muscle and that will also incorporate the long head of the Triceps muscle as well as the lumbar Multifudi muscles. This affects how the body moves, especially in rotation, and is often one of the culprits of those suffering from Fibromyalgia. The Governing Meridian pathway moves upward from the Coccyx (tailbone), up the spine, over the top of the head, down the face to just above the middle of the top lip. As you can see this completes the circle of energy or as Emoto referred to as the Hado of the body, since the spinal fluid is truly water. This meridian is associated with the Teres Major which works with the Lattismus Dorsi muscle and the upper thoracic and lower cervical and could have an adverse effect on the Ligamentum Flavum of the spine. We will discuss these phenomena as well as how to align it properly.
September 29, 2015 Stomach and Spleen Meridian and Shoulder Discomfort
· This class will address these two meridians that go from North to South on the body. As we have discussed in earlier classes these energy or meridian lines are associated with specific muscles throughout the body and could be the reason the client experiences a rebounding affect after therapy. The Stomach Meridian is associated with the Pectoralis Major Clavicular, Levator Scapulae, Neck Muscles, and Brachioradialis muscles. The Spleen Meridian is associated with the Lattismus Dorsi, Mid and Lower Trapezius, Opponens Pollicis Longus (Carpal Tunnel), and Triceps. As you can see the upper extremity and shoulder is truly affected by the muscles associated with these two meridians. Although these two Meridians travel through the body, and not in the upper extremity itself, lends credence to what we often discuss in Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® ‘where it is, it ain’t”.
October 27, 2015 Heart and Small Intestine Meridian and Shoulder and Low Back Issues
· These two meridians are closely associated because they finish and start in the little finger. The Heart Meridian is associated with the Subscapularis and the Small Instestine with the Abdominals and Quadriceps Muscles. Individuals that suffer from ulnar nerve discomfort will often find resolve when these associations are also addressed as the accumulation of energy, the nerve pathways, is balanced. We sometimes beat ourselves up trying to locate this issue but the Subscapularis will normally be involved and the hyper or hypo tonus of the Abdominals and/or the Quadriceps can offset the internal tension on the skeleton to create the landscape that causes these symptoms.
November 24, 2015 Bladder and Kidney Meridians Leg, Low Back and Hip Discomfort
· The Bladder Meridian is affected by the Peroneus, Sacrospinalis (Multifudi) and Tibialis. This array of muscles will affect how the lower extremity interacts with the spinal muscles and are often involved with athletes and the elderly. The Kidney Meridian is associated with the infamous Psoas, Iliacus, and Upper Trapezius Muscles. These two meridian systems will affect basically from the head to the foot. In this class we will discuss how the interactions of these two energy lines create a landscape that often is caught up in the adaptation we talked about in the first class on Transference.
Master Series 3
January 26, 2016-Circulation-Sex and Triple Warmer Meridian
Our first class will cover the Circulation-Sex and Triple Warmer Meridians. These two meridians work in tandem as the first helps the human body reproduce at the cellular level and works with the energy that encapsulates the heart: in particular the pericardium. The Triple Warmer works with the glandular system and takes the form of three "heats:" the heat of metabolism, maintaining body heat, and the heat of the "fight or flight," otherwise described as life passions
Circulation-Sex Meridian
o Gluteus Medius
o Adductors
o Piriformis
o Gluteus Maximus
Triple Warmer Meridian
o Teres Minor
o Sartorius
o Gracilis
o Soleus
o Gastrocnemius
February 23, 2016 - Gall Bladder and Liver Meridian
The second class will instruct on the Gall Bladder and Liver Meridians. The Gall Bladder is associated with the small organ function of the Gallbladder that stores and concentrates the bile it receives from the liver that aids in digestion, particularly the digestion of fats. It contracts and releases bile when fats reach the duodenum from the stomach. On a cellular level this same function of maintaining fat metabolism depends upon the subtle energy of the Gallbladder Meridian. The Liver Meridian is associated with the liver, which has more known functions than any other organ. The Liver is the largest physical organ and is most active while you sleep. The liver is said to store blood while the body is at rest and also, to exert particular influence over the lower Abdomen. Therefore, it is considered of central importance in woman's menstrual cycle and sexuality. It is also involved in digestion, metabolism, storage, filtration, detoxification, and immune function.
Gall Bladder
o Anterior Deltoid
o Popliteus Liver
o Pectoralis Major Sternal
o Rhomboids
March 22, 2016- Lung and Large Intestine Meridian
The third class will instruct on the Lung and Large Intestine Meridians. While survival may be difficult without water and food for more than a week or two, we usually cannot live without air for more than about three minutes. In addition to drawing in air (oxygen), the Lung Meridian Function is said to draw in or release Chi, and regulate the status of the Chi in the whole Soul. The Large Intestine Meridian function is to absorb the end products of digestion and hold the waste materials until it can be eliminated. Approximately 80% of the material entering the Large Intestine is absorbed as it is mostly water. Consequently, this meridian is very important in the metabolism of water as it extracts the water from waste materials to either reabsorb into the body or send on to the bladder.
o Anterior Serratus
o Coracobrachialis
o Deltoids
o Diaphragm
Large Intestine
o Tensor Fascia Lata
o Hamstring Grouping
o Quadratus Lumborum
Wrist/Hand- April 26, 2016
Ankle/Foot -May 24, 2016
Master Series 4
June 28, 2016-Gait Mechanisms & Posture
August 23, 2016- TMJD
September 27, 2016- Chronic Pain and Inhibited Movement
October 25, 2016- Releasing the Triggering Mechanism
November 29, 2016- Lovett Brothers
Master Series 5
January 24, 2017 – Class 1
Movement Patterns of the Upper Extremity
Movement needs to begin from distal to proximal or from the fingers to the shoulders in order for the levers and fulcrum to be used to full capacity. In most cases individuals will engage the shoulder first and minimize the full mechanical action of this extremity. In this class we will discuss the importance of the hands, wrist and forearm to direct movement through the elbow and how the flexion and extension through the elbow will deactivate tension on the very vulnerable shoulder joint. In the videos associated with this class we will demonstrate how this works and just how the elbow joint acts as a Cam to dissipate the abnormal tension.
February 28, 2017 – Class 2
Movement of the Lower Extremity
A very familiar topic as discussed in Class 1 on the Upper Extremity but in this class we will discuss the importance of movement from the toes through the hip joint. Many times we hear of the infamous Plantar Fasciitis that plagues many individuals. What causes this dilemma? Why is it so difficult to correct? The simple answer to the complex problem is incorrect movement! In this course we will demonstrate the proper sequence of movement from the toes, through the ankle to initiate flexion and extension of the knee joint, which allows the hip joint to properly pivot and have a round ball move in an elliptical hole. Videos for this class will not only demonstrate but with the use of TerraSensa® Mats so proper balance points.
March 28, 2017 – Class 3
Movement Patterns of the Pelvis
In Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® we teach the Infinity or Figure 8 release for the Ilium. Each Ilium moves in a figure 8 pattern to continually allow proper movement not only at the hip joint but to allow the Pelvis to continue to be the supporting structure it is meant to be. Discussion will include the whys and wherefores of how the Ilium and Sacral bones move in synchronicity to allow movement of the body to take place. Discussion will also include the improper movements that will be the underlying cause of symptomatic issues such as Sciatic nerve impingement; Piriformis Syndrome; SI joint pain; degradation to the lumbar spine and hinder proper breathing patterns.
April 25, 2017 – Class 4
Movement Patterns of the Thoracic or Rib Area
In the previous series we discussed Dr. Robert Lovett’s M.D. theory of the paired vertebrae and how they allow proper movement of the spine and associated ribs. In this class we will discuss why the vertebrae move in such a way as to allow Functional Scoliosis to develop and why it is difficult to correct. This class will also take into discussion the role that improper strengthening of what many consider the “Core” muscles of the body or the Abdominals to cause many other issues that individual’s experience. Instead of stabilizing from this area we need to stabilize this region and move once again from distal to proximal and allow for the true freedom of allow the 24 ribs and associated vertebrae to freely move.
May 24, 2017 – Class 5
Movement of the Cervical Spine and Cranial Bones
This class will take and summarize the importance of movement patterns that were previously discussed in the earlier classes and how there is a direct correlation in how improper movement patterns develop to protect this critical area of the body. These seven vertebra and the 22 cranial bones move subtlety but have tremendous impact on how the body “feels”. In previous discussions we discussed the importance of the Temporal Bone and the Axis or C-2 and how that will direct movement throughout the body. The class will also discuss the impact on the brachial and cervical plexus’; TMJD and why it is a major factor in distorting overall movement patterns; why individuals need to clench; and in this technological age of computers and smart phones there are more individuals that have trouble with balance.
Dennis Gibbons, LMT
You do not have to be certified in MRTh® to take this course, all are welcome!
Class will be conducted online through our Adobe Connect program and held on the last Tuesday of each month starting on June 30th through November 24th,
(No class in & July)
From 6:30-8:00pm.
LMT's will receive 1.5 credit hour per class
The cost for the class is $49.50 plus a $10.00 registration fee per individual class.
We are also offering a (5) pack of classes for $235.12 with a one time registration fee.
*************Dropout date is before August 27th for full refund****************
For more information or to register for the class please contact our office at 216-364-0152 or email
[email protected]
The following Continuing Education courses will be offered in a five part series starting June 30, 2015 by Chagrin Valley Wellness Institute (NCBTMB 451340-10). Classes will be from 6:30 – 8:00 PM EST and will be worth 1.5 Continuing Education credits. All classes will be web based and recorded, so if you have trouble joining us live you can watch the recording. We also have a Facebook page where information will be passed on to those registered and questions may be asked after the class. This Forum is open to only those registered for the class.
In 1979 I was introduced to Applied Kinesiology by my mentor Dr. Tom Maday, D.C. and Touch for Health by John Thie, D.C. This became the foundation for what is now known as Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh®, a treatment protocol that includes both Bodywork and Movement. What is the importance of the theory of combining Meridians, Muscles, Reflex Points, and understanding the true connection of all the systems of the human body to understanding the development of a new theory and combining it with touch? The Meridian system, all 14 of them, courses its way through the body and effects our main energy or charka systems. They also interact with the major organs of the body and research has shown an interconnection of specific muscles and meridian lines to help in nurturing good health. As Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® has developed over the past 28 years I, sometimes without realizing, have pulled the knowledge gained from those early years. These next two sets of Master Class will combine the early knowledge with the latest philosophy to aid the Bodyworker and Movement therapist in their ability to help others.
Master Series 2
June 30, 2015 Transference
· This class will address that dreaded transference of energy between client and therapist. What is this energy? Why when I work with certain individuals do I feel drained? Why do I pick up the symptomatic discomfort that they were experiencing? These questions will be addressed and how we as both Bodywork and Movement Therapists, can avoid this transferring of energy. This energy is developed during the actual Trauma stage of injury and is passed on by the brain to create a compensation pattern for the protection of the whole. During the trauma cycle the brain will want to immediately fight to shed off the incident, but realizing that it is unable to switch to its flight mode which is the immediate compensation. How many of us performed therapy to an individual that suffered trauma during an automobile incident? The body’s proprioception mechanism sensed a change in our surrounding energy field prior to our conscious awareness and started making plans for us. That is often why immediately after an incident people will feel “okay” and this is often referred to as the shock of the incident. After a few days they start to experience soreness, stiffness and discomfort. This is the compensation being adapted to and accommodated for. Most therapies address the symptoms and stop start of that brief moment in time that is truly frozen in the body. Join us as we discuss this moment, how we can avoid drawing into our entity and take the person through it. This is not a Psychology class but a true hands on experience where you will learn to be the coach on the sidelines and not put yourself into the game.
August 25, 2015 Balancing the Central and Governing Vessels or Meridians of the Body
· In Chinese Medicine we deal with the Meridian system of the body, or the body’s energy lines. In both Bodywork and Movement therapy we also access these important lines. In this first class on incorporating this work we will discuss and demonstrate how balancing these Meridians along with tension on the skeleton will bring a true healing affect to the individual. The Central Meridian moves superior from the pubic symphysis up the center of the body under the chin to just below the lower lip. It is associated with the Supraspinatus muscle and that will also incorporate the long head of the Triceps muscle as well as the lumbar Multifudi muscles. This affects how the body moves, especially in rotation, and is often one of the culprits of those suffering from Fibromyalgia. The Governing Meridian pathway moves upward from the Coccyx (tailbone), up the spine, over the top of the head, down the face to just above the middle of the top lip. As you can see this completes the circle of energy or as Emoto referred to as the Hado of the body, since the spinal fluid is truly water. This meridian is associated with the Teres Major which works with the Lattismus Dorsi muscle and the upper thoracic and lower cervical and could have an adverse effect on the Ligamentum Flavum of the spine. We will discuss these phenomena as well as how to align it properly.
September 29, 2015 Stomach and Spleen Meridian and Shoulder Discomfort
· This class will address these two meridians that go from North to South on the body. As we have discussed in earlier classes these energy or meridian lines are associated with specific muscles throughout the body and could be the reason the client experiences a rebounding affect after therapy. The Stomach Meridian is associated with the Pectoralis Major Clavicular, Levator Scapulae, Neck Muscles, and Brachioradialis muscles. The Spleen Meridian is associated with the Lattismus Dorsi, Mid and Lower Trapezius, Opponens Pollicis Longus (Carpal Tunnel), and Triceps. As you can see the upper extremity and shoulder is truly affected by the muscles associated with these two meridians. Although these two Meridians travel through the body, and not in the upper extremity itself, lends credence to what we often discuss in Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® ‘where it is, it ain’t”.
October 27, 2015 Heart and Small Intestine Meridian and Shoulder and Low Back Issues
· These two meridians are closely associated because they finish and start in the little finger. The Heart Meridian is associated with the Subscapularis and the Small Instestine with the Abdominals and Quadriceps Muscles. Individuals that suffer from ulnar nerve discomfort will often find resolve when these associations are also addressed as the accumulation of energy, the nerve pathways, is balanced. We sometimes beat ourselves up trying to locate this issue but the Subscapularis will normally be involved and the hyper or hypo tonus of the Abdominals and/or the Quadriceps can offset the internal tension on the skeleton to create the landscape that causes these symptoms.
November 24, 2015 Bladder and Kidney Meridians Leg, Low Back and Hip Discomfort
· The Bladder Meridian is affected by the Peroneus, Sacrospinalis (Multifudi) and Tibialis. This array of muscles will affect how the lower extremity interacts with the spinal muscles and are often involved with athletes and the elderly. The Kidney Meridian is associated with the infamous Psoas, Iliacus, and Upper Trapezius Muscles. These two meridian systems will affect basically from the head to the foot. In this class we will discuss how the interactions of these two energy lines create a landscape that often is caught up in the adaptation we talked about in the first class on Transference.
Master Series 3
January 26, 2016-Circulation-Sex and Triple Warmer Meridian
Our first class will cover the Circulation-Sex and Triple Warmer Meridians. These two meridians work in tandem as the first helps the human body reproduce at the cellular level and works with the energy that encapsulates the heart: in particular the pericardium. The Triple Warmer works with the glandular system and takes the form of three "heats:" the heat of metabolism, maintaining body heat, and the heat of the "fight or flight," otherwise described as life passions
Circulation-Sex Meridian
o Gluteus Medius
o Adductors
o Piriformis
o Gluteus Maximus
Triple Warmer Meridian
o Teres Minor
o Sartorius
o Gracilis
o Soleus
o Gastrocnemius
February 23, 2016 - Gall Bladder and Liver Meridian
The second class will instruct on the Gall Bladder and Liver Meridians. The Gall Bladder is associated with the small organ function of the Gallbladder that stores and concentrates the bile it receives from the liver that aids in digestion, particularly the digestion of fats. It contracts and releases bile when fats reach the duodenum from the stomach. On a cellular level this same function of maintaining fat metabolism depends upon the subtle energy of the Gallbladder Meridian. The Liver Meridian is associated with the liver, which has more known functions than any other organ. The Liver is the largest physical organ and is most active while you sleep. The liver is said to store blood while the body is at rest and also, to exert particular influence over the lower Abdomen. Therefore, it is considered of central importance in woman's menstrual cycle and sexuality. It is also involved in digestion, metabolism, storage, filtration, detoxification, and immune function.
Gall Bladder
o Anterior Deltoid
o Popliteus Liver
o Pectoralis Major Sternal
o Rhomboids
March 22, 2016- Lung and Large Intestine Meridian
The third class will instruct on the Lung and Large Intestine Meridians. While survival may be difficult without water and food for more than a week or two, we usually cannot live without air for more than about three minutes. In addition to drawing in air (oxygen), the Lung Meridian Function is said to draw in or release Chi, and regulate the status of the Chi in the whole Soul. The Large Intestine Meridian function is to absorb the end products of digestion and hold the waste materials until it can be eliminated. Approximately 80% of the material entering the Large Intestine is absorbed as it is mostly water. Consequently, this meridian is very important in the metabolism of water as it extracts the water from waste materials to either reabsorb into the body or send on to the bladder.
o Anterior Serratus
o Coracobrachialis
o Deltoids
o Diaphragm
Large Intestine
o Tensor Fascia Lata
o Hamstring Grouping
o Quadratus Lumborum
Wrist/Hand- April 26, 2016
Ankle/Foot -May 24, 2016
Master Series 4
June 28, 2016-Gait Mechanisms & Posture
August 23, 2016- TMJD
September 27, 2016- Chronic Pain and Inhibited Movement
October 25, 2016- Releasing the Triggering Mechanism
November 29, 2016- Lovett Brothers
Master Series 5
January 24, 2017 – Class 1
Movement Patterns of the Upper Extremity
Movement needs to begin from distal to proximal or from the fingers to the shoulders in order for the levers and fulcrum to be used to full capacity. In most cases individuals will engage the shoulder first and minimize the full mechanical action of this extremity. In this class we will discuss the importance of the hands, wrist and forearm to direct movement through the elbow and how the flexion and extension through the elbow will deactivate tension on the very vulnerable shoulder joint. In the videos associated with this class we will demonstrate how this works and just how the elbow joint acts as a Cam to dissipate the abnormal tension.
February 28, 2017 – Class 2
Movement of the Lower Extremity
A very familiar topic as discussed in Class 1 on the Upper Extremity but in this class we will discuss the importance of movement from the toes through the hip joint. Many times we hear of the infamous Plantar Fasciitis that plagues many individuals. What causes this dilemma? Why is it so difficult to correct? The simple answer to the complex problem is incorrect movement! In this course we will demonstrate the proper sequence of movement from the toes, through the ankle to initiate flexion and extension of the knee joint, which allows the hip joint to properly pivot and have a round ball move in an elliptical hole. Videos for this class will not only demonstrate but with the use of TerraSensa® Mats so proper balance points.
March 28, 2017 – Class 3
Movement Patterns of the Pelvis
In Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® we teach the Infinity or Figure 8 release for the Ilium. Each Ilium moves in a figure 8 pattern to continually allow proper movement not only at the hip joint but to allow the Pelvis to continue to be the supporting structure it is meant to be. Discussion will include the whys and wherefores of how the Ilium and Sacral bones move in synchronicity to allow movement of the body to take place. Discussion will also include the improper movements that will be the underlying cause of symptomatic issues such as Sciatic nerve impingement; Piriformis Syndrome; SI joint pain; degradation to the lumbar spine and hinder proper breathing patterns.
April 25, 2017 – Class 4
Movement Patterns of the Thoracic or Rib Area
In the previous series we discussed Dr. Robert Lovett’s M.D. theory of the paired vertebrae and how they allow proper movement of the spine and associated ribs. In this class we will discuss why the vertebrae move in such a way as to allow Functional Scoliosis to develop and why it is difficult to correct. This class will also take into discussion the role that improper strengthening of what many consider the “Core” muscles of the body or the Abdominals to cause many other issues that individual’s experience. Instead of stabilizing from this area we need to stabilize this region and move once again from distal to proximal and allow for the true freedom of allow the 24 ribs and associated vertebrae to freely move.
May 24, 2017 – Class 5
Movement of the Cervical Spine and Cranial Bones
This class will take and summarize the importance of movement patterns that were previously discussed in the earlier classes and how there is a direct correlation in how improper movement patterns develop to protect this critical area of the body. These seven vertebra and the 22 cranial bones move subtlety but have tremendous impact on how the body “feels”. In previous discussions we discussed the importance of the Temporal Bone and the Axis or C-2 and how that will direct movement throughout the body. The class will also discuss the impact on the brachial and cervical plexus’; TMJD and why it is a major factor in distorting overall movement patterns; why individuals need to clench; and in this technological age of computers and smart phones there are more individuals that have trouble with balance.
Dennis Gibbons LMT is an approved provider of continuing education hours by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB), provider # 451340–10, enabling Licensed Massage Therapists to earn continuing education hours. For more information on our Educational offerings click HERE or the logo to the right. |
These NCBTMB approved offerings include: certification courses for Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® and Fundamental Movement Pilates℠; the CVWI Seminar Series of Specialty Training, Functional Movement and other informative seminars on a variety of topics.
CVWI staff member Terry Carine is a Registered Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher with The International Center for Reiki Training, enabling her to perform Reiki and instruct others to become a Reiki Master, or Master/Teacher. |
For more information click here or call Kathy Gibbons - 216.364.0152