The picture to the left depicts electrical energy. Look at the picture and notice within the sphere the energy is controlled but outside of the sphere there is an uncontrolled energy that surrounds the sphere. The human body is the sphere and has many components of uncontrolled energy that will try and offset the energy within. What I mean by this is that when there is a focused and proper balance within the body it is able to maintain control of the many functions it needs to perform. When balance is offset within the sphere the outside energy will pull the inward energy in many different directions.
The question you might have is how would this affect me? If you take a top and spin it, as long as there is positive momentum it will spin in a proper rotation. Once that positive momentum slows down or is altered in any manner the top falters and eventually falls and stops. The same is true of your body. An example of this would be, at a young age I wore orthodontia for almost two years. Well a lot of people wear braces on their teeth and are we all out of balance. The answer to this is no but I would be hard pressed to tell you just how many people I have traced chronic low back, hip and knee pain to individuals that wore braces and possibly were misfit. They accomplished what they set out to but in the long run there was a change to the internal posture. This change is often just enough to alter that positive momentum to allow internal trauma to occur.
It is this positive momentum that Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® re-institutes so that outside forces have less of an opportunity to create turmoil. When the body is in a positive internal Tensegrity, the balance of the body in the neurological, hormonal and musculo-skeletal systems are better able to handle outside changes to frequency.
How does Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® develop this environment? The practitioner first watches for improprieties in movement. When the individual stands is there a splay to either foot? When standing does it look like there is hyper-extension to the knee joint? Remember the knee joint acts as a turnbuckle and if it does not perform correctly the ankle and hip will be dysfunctional. Does the spine rotate or is the rib cage forced to make that movement? Does the Massester or Temporalis muscle create mandibular movement? There are many store rooms for compensation, it is this compensation in movement that alters the frequency of the internal body, this allows the outside frequencies to create havoc within.
Next week we will delve deeper into the theory of Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh®, till then have a great week and enjoy Spring, because HOPE Springs eternally.
a Reason to HOPE!
Dennis Gibbons LMT