Even though I have been a holistic health care practitioner for 28 years and have investigated how the brain creates and generates the simplest of movements, I have been truly amazed at just how intricate the brain is. In today's world we are hearing more and more of brain injuries, primarily because of all of the concussions in professional sports and the returning veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A few months back, I had a individual come in with chronic neck and low back pain and during the intake of information I had inquired if he ever suffered from a head injury. He stated, "No, I never had any form of head injury." As many of you know as we begin to release the abnormal tensions of the body through educated touch we also release emotional information that is being stored in the brain. Further conversation revealed he was a veteran of U.S. Marine Corp and had served in the first gulf war. He was exposed to daily barrages of Scud missiles while stationed in Kuwait. Those concussive explosions had altered his posture and did give him BTI.
This is just one example, others would be a Brain Aneurysm, Stroke, Auto Accidents, accidentally bumping your head, a hard sneeze or cough, or someone just slapping you on the back unexpectedly. In the picture, it lists many different forms of BTI that we may suffer from.
What can someone do to help with these conditions? I will list a few items that I have found helpful and give a brief explanation of how and why. The first being:
- Art of Massage Therapy - as I have written before, when performed correctly Massage Therapy is a form of passive exercise that stimulates not only the skin but all of the underlying tissues and organs. How does this help me with BTI? It encourages brain stimulation to the region being touched. The brain will first perceive the touch and have to determine its intention and will react to that stimulation appropriately. What this accomplishes is a release of abnormal tension on the brain's stimulation and allows the brain to properly heal itself.
- Craniosacral Therapy - this was originally developed by Dr. Sutherland, D.O. when he discovered that by balancing the flow the cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that is found within the spinal cord) that it aided the body in healing itself. The picture above was taken from a craniosacral site and the use of this technique has helped in the body's healing or dealing with these issues. How does it work? Through a very gentle touch by a therapist to specific areas of the skull, the body will re-position the plates of the skull and permit proper movement of these plates during normal breathing patterns. This ability to move will create a proper pumping action that will help facilitate the activity of the spinal fluid that nourishes the nerves that come out of the spinal cord. This nourishment will enhance the nerve activity to the specific organs and help them regenerate the cells within.
- Ortho-Bionomy - this technique is a form of reprogramming the proprioception, what the brain perceives or sees, so that the body is experiencing its movement patterns. By bringing the body's movement patterns back into balance this technique reduces the amount of unnecessary stimulation to the brain and allows the brain to focus on what it needs to do to heal itself.
- Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® - this form of therapy delves into the tension being placed on the human skeleton and brings about a natural tension to it. In many BTI situations there are abrupt movements that will alter how the body needed to position itself in order to protect the rest of the body. The practitioner will assess and aide the brain in re-patterning this tension. There are two functions, one is accessing the brain to determine the direction the muscle was moving before it was inhibited, and allowing the brain to return it to a proper tension without affecting the fight or flight nervous system. Secondly, this release of tension will once again remove over stimulation to the brain and allow it to concentrate on the traumatized areas.
- Fundamental Movement using Pilates based equipment - when performed properly, Pilates will help in properly re-programming the movement patterns the body naturally wants to follow. With BTI the brain has to re-pattern neurological responses and since movement is an important part of our daily lives, disruption to those patterns will tax the brain. What proper movement education does is reinforce the brain's ability to process the information at more of a subconscious level and make movement once again spontaneous to what the brain sees it needs to do.
Brain Trauma Injury takes on its own form with each individual, and these aforementioned techniques are different ways of taking care of the resultant symptoms. Brain Trauma is more than bumping your head and bruising your brain, it is any alteration to the brain's normal ability to function. As in Marge's case, it was a severe brain bleed, or in a loved one's stroke, a depletion of nutrition to the brain cells, whatever the instance, there is a need to assist the brain to properly function again. Given positive assistance it will respond.
Give us a call at 216-364-0152 and one of our therapist or instructors will be happy to assist you on your journey of recovery.
On a final note I want to let everyone know I am back on a regular schedule at the office. For everyone that was considerate enough to give me the space and time needed to aide Marge, thank you. Now is a good time to get your body ready for the Spring and Summer weather that is rapidly approaching.
and remember
there is always a REASON to HOPE!