Let me also clarify and state that exercise is not a ways and means to weight loss. What proper exercise will do is help you build muscle, which helps use excess fat deposits for energy post exercise, which will help alter the shape of your body. Starvation will also burn fat for energy but also deplete the body of necessary minerals and foods it needs to survive.
Many people follow a fad, or what the experts call "healthy diets", and lose weight, normally 5 to 10 pounds the first week. They get excited and now they start one of the fad exercise programs or just walk, which can be very good for you. The problem with most of these diets is that they end up losing muscle and not fat. What metabolizes fat best is strong, lean muscles, and when you lose muscle fiber you don't burn fat.
Now if you starve yourself, once you burn fat and don't substantiate caloric intake with caloric output you will eventually deplete the fat storage of the body. What strong healthy muscle fiber does is increase your metabolic rate, which in unscientific verbiage means you are able to burn more calories at rest because the muscle requires more energy and the body will proceed to the fat bank to make withdrawals.
By burning more and more of the fat deposits in our bank we start to produce stronger and leaner muscle fibers. How do we do this with efficiency? Most individuals feel that they need to get their heart rate up and racing at a high rate, wrong! If I don't sweat then I am not really "working out"! What you do when these occurrences happen is you place your nervous and hormonal system under great stress. What do most individuals want to remove from their lives? Stress, so why do we add that component. When exercising properly the body should be under minimal duress, while focusing on using the proper muscle fibers and creating a healthy environment of blood and oxygen, that is what builds muscle and burns fat.
In the practice of Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® and Fundamental Movement Therapy (SM) your breathing patterns is what the therapist and instructor look for and correct initially. In order for the muscles to fire correctly they need to have proper blood and oxygen. The body moves in a vertical and rotational pattern to overcome the dynamics of gravity. The breathing pattern of the body is truly from head to foot and also includes the hands. This is how the body directs the flow of blood and oxygen to the necessary areas.
Without getting into the specific forms of muscle fibers, there are four, as the brain determines the movement pattern it intends to travel, it prepares by bringing proper nutrition to the area. If there is not enough "sugar" the body will go to one of its safe deposit boxes and withdraw some fat from it and use it where needed. As the muscle fibers begin to fire and create the necessary tension and dynamics that will fatigue and deplete themselves. What happens next is where your strength comes in, it recruits from within itself when the body is positioned and stabilized properly. As you build these additional fibers, you increase the body's internal metabolism and that is when you properly burn "fat".
Fundamental Movement Therapy (SM) uses Pilates based movement equipment to assure that you stay supported and in the proper position during movement. It is based on maintaining the proper tension on the bones of the body while using the proper muscle fiber. Pilates based movement, as mentioned previously was called Contrology by Joseph Pilates, and was meant to be SLOW and DELIBERATE not fast and furious. It truly was meant to change movement patterns and as a result strengthen the correct muscle fibers.
How does this relate to the topic of burning fat? As we build proper muscle fiber strength, and continue to use that muscle in movement, we will need to access our fat bank and therefore build muscle and reduce fat. Improper movement does not build muscle strength but in actuality will weaken the muscles because it will fatigue them and force the brain to recruit from other areas of the body.
Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® was developed so that the brain will fire in the proper pattern and allow the brain to make correct choices. It performs this task by balancing the muscle tension on the skeleton and allows the ligaments to place the bones into proper alignment for movement purposes.
Please send us your questions and comments right on this blog page. Next week I will talk about bone density and osteopenia and how to prevent osteo-arthritis by using these techniques.....
Remember there is always a REASON TO HOPE!!
PS The essential oil that I have been rolling on has reduced the inflammation in my Thyroid area. I must also admit I do believe my energy level is picking up, now we will patiently await the metabolism.