The above caption, "I'll Make Them Feel Better", is a play on words of a Cleveland Attorney but truly implies what we are able to do here at CVWC. The other evening when I came home from the office, Marge stated I should be more confident and speak boldly about what Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® is capable of doing.
This topic of discussion came about when Tiger Woods announced he had surgery for a pinched nerve and would miss the Masters Golf Tournament. Recently I have other clients also tell me that I need to let the local Professional sport teams know that I could keep their players healthier and lessen the amount of lost time to the team. In fact one of my clients went so far as to calculate time lost by one of the Cleveland Cavaliers for back issues and figured the team could have paid me five million dollars and still saved money. What seems to be normal injuries should be able to be prevented and/or corrected in a much more reasonable time frame.
Most of these injuries are what we deal with on a daily basis here at the center. Pinched nerves, low back pain, neck pain, hip and shoulder pain, plantar fascia, and many other maladies that the every day person deals with will often put a professional player on the sideline for prolonged periods of time. What can be done with these issues to help prevent them?
Professional athletes train at a much higher level than the average person, and in my professional opinion are over doing it. I believe this is the cause of the majority of injuries that they sustain. During our last class on Strength Exercise it was proven that too much "exercise" is counter productive. My philosophy is that if proper movement patterns are initiated and repeated, a natural strengthening to one's body will take place. I am also of the belief that directed high intensity strength exercise will enhance the individual's ability to become stronger both physically and mentally, and will properly re-enforce neurological pathways to direct that strength in a proper format.
When athletes "strain a Hamstring", incur a high ankle sprain, or any of the multitude of injuries that they have that ultimately prevents them from playing, know that all is correctable and in many cases preventable. How am I able to make these statements? It is a simple process of maintaining a proper tension on the skeleton. This allows the structure to be better able to adapt to the sudden changes in tension that present themselves throughout the course of practice and games.
Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® is both a theory and technique that addresses improper tension on the skeleton and brings it to a natural balance. As the practitioner finds the imbalance in the skeleton and re-enacts the movement process that was abruptly halted, the tissues that are holding the tension return to a natural position. This natural position will reduce the internal stress on the skeleton and allow the brain to use the natural pathways of movement. This will allow damaged tissue to heal, reduce the amount of energy that brain was producing to try and counterbalance or compensate for the injury, and re-establish proper movement patterns.
Over the course of the next few weeks, I will isolate some of the more common injuries that not only athletes incur, but the average person often will find disabling. If you have a specific problem you would like me to address, please email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to.
On the top of this page you will notice our new slogan, "CVWC-Affordable Holistic Therapy!" (TM) During March we instituted Throw Back Thursday's and on April 1st I personally reduced all of my rates by 20%, as well as the rates on Therapeutic Massage, Relaxation Massage and Cranial-Sacral Therapy. Call 216-364-0152 for your appointment with one of Licensed Therapist's.
Remember there is always a REASON TO HOPE!