On March 12th Joan Leppla will be leading us in a group meditation session, and she will be explaining all of the fine points to remove the craziness of our brain at that moment and going to a place within, where our brain can become quiet and rest. On March 18th Josh Trentine (pictured above) and myself will be conducting a class on the importance of Strength Training and how it truly takes us within to allow our brain to focus on efficient use of our muscle system.
Just how do these two tie in together? In the above picture you will see an alignment of different colored circles, these are know as our chakras or energy centers. Many think this is hocus pocus but in reality these are where bundles of nerve endings come together to help us balance our body's systems. Meditation brings these centers into alignment and reduces the amount of stress on the brain as it tries to sort this out among all of the daily chaos. As Joan leads you through the process you will experience a peaceful sensation as these centers of energy become more aligned.
In strength training much of the same happens, it is not how much weight you move or how many times you perform a repetition, it is using your body's combination of muscle and skeleton in its most efficient manner and isolating specific muscles to perform that activity. What happens is the brain develops a pathway to move through and the more muscle fibers you are able to use, the less stress is on the brain. When performed properly, strength training shouldn't make you look like the Incredible Hulk, it should give you a long lean look. What gives you the bulky look is the increase in the number of fibers that you are now able to access.
So whether its meditation, strength training with weights, or strength training on Pilates equipment we are looking at the same process. We are minimizing stress on the skeleton to allow the brain to balance the internal tension that we need to bring a healing to the whole body.
Please join us during the month of March as we explore these areas. Go to our web site, www.chagrinvalleywellness.com, to find out more on the times and cost.
Thank you and I know I speak for many, Spring can not come fast enough. Stay warm and I look forward to seeing many of you at the center to partake in these opportunities.
Remember there is always....
a Reason to HOPE!