What I wanted to discuss here are the important qualities of enhancing the electrical circuits to the mechanical circuits, as most of you know I revert to my Pipefitting days frequently. In my last couple of blogs I have been discussing the importance of monthly Massage work to keep the body in proper working order. I will continue that discussion but wanted to interject this information to help you understand better the mind body connection.
At our studio we offer Fundamental Movement Therapy(sm) classes using Pilates based exercise equipment. Jarvis Wrazen our Director of FMTh(sm) has recently started circuit classes to enhance the students' experience.
What is Fundamental Movement Therapy(sm)? Why would it work well with the CVWC Club Massage?
The answers to these two questions are simple, full body Wellness! What Fundamental Movement Therapy(sm) provides the body is a direct re-connection from the brain to the tissue that is needed to move the skeleton in the most efficient and functional manner. What the regular Massage work provides is keeping the Fascia, Ligaments, Tendons, and Muscles supple, and ready to respond to the needs of the body in their movement patterns. Connecting the two protocols will be your insurance policy to aide in avoiding pain. As the tissue becomes more responsive and the activation of proper movement to the skeleton, many great qualities begin to happen and become more and more enhanced.
You make ask now, how does this help me avoid pain? When we strengthen our musculature in movement- we also strengthen the nerve responses to those muscles, so that in those moments of clumsiness our brain is able to respond to protect us. If those nerve responses are weak our fight or flight mechanism takes over and shuts a majority of the muscular skeletal system down. When this process takes place we are more susceptilbe to injury and eventual pain.
I "stretch" and "exercise" daily, so I am strong enough? As we discussed in our "Stretching 101" course being hyper-mobile in our joints is actually more of a liability than an asset.
So why Fundamental Movement Therapy(sm) and especially this Circuit Class? Now that you have tried our CVWC Club Massage and have promoted healthy circulation to the body's tissue system you need now to strengthen the functions. Understand the Massage itself, when properly applied, is an exercise in to itself. The manipulation of the tissue actually increases the heart rate and the relaxation one experiences is the fact that fresh blood and oxygen is being processed. So consider your one hour CVWC Club Massage your exercise for the day.
Fundamental Movement Therapy(sm) strengthens the connection between the brain and the movement mechanics of the body. What the circuit class enhances is the body's ability to respond to consistent and different movements. Why is this important to me? Well in our day to day activities we multi task all of the time and encouraging and strengthening our nerve to muscle response once again will help us get through those times when we might traumatize ourselves. How does this happen? Once someone becomes proficient in understanding the application of movement as it relates to the machines the body's efficiency is enhanced. As the body becomes stronger, not only muscularly but also neurologically and hormonally, challenging the mechanism will help develop the ability's to respond. What Jarvis has done is develop a pattern of movements that force the brain to respond while keeping the heart at a good pace and creating the proper hormone responses. My recommendation is if you want a good exercise day without injuring the tissue and changing the internal tensions, this is it.
Questions can be answered by a simple phone call to 216.364.0152 or an email to [email protected]. Chagrin Valley Wellness Center is a full service center that takes all of your Wellness needs to heart. Our goal is to give one HOPE that they will feel better.