Without acutally counting them, there are probably 80 joints or articulations in the human spine. This is not only looking at the joints, or disc space between each vertebrae, but also the joining together of the rib cage to the spine. Many individuals that come to our center with chronic back pain, actually have an immobile vertebral column that stresses the surrounding muscles. This will eventually lead to many other problems and create an environment for chronic discomfort.
The attached video will show the interconnection of the spine with the rotator cuff, triceps, and hamstring muscles. The rotator cuff is used to assist in spinal rotation and is often only treated in shoulder pain. To prevent rotator cuff dilemma's treat the paraspinal they match up and more often than not you will remove the abnormal strain at the rotator cuff attachments. In Muscle Release Therapy, MRTh® and Fundamental Movement Therapy(SM) we address these issues.
In these videos we will show how by contracting specific muscles the spine will react to the neurological connection and generate the movement. The video will also show someone with lifelong scolosis and how that creates the associated pain that these individuals often show and express.
Enjoy the video and remember, we appreciate all comments, [email protected] or [email protected]. For other videos you can go to our web site where we have over 50 archived. Thank you, until next week...
A Reason to HOPE!